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As storm recovery continues, we are aware that the Outage Map is not showing some customers who are still without power. Our internal systems for identifying outages and prioritizing restorations are still functioning.

We know it is frustrating for our customers and are working hard to reconcile the outages shown on the map. Please continue to report outages, as needed.

Our crews will continue to work around the clock until the last customer is restored.

November Wind Storm

Over the last 24 hours, more than 150 line crews and 70 tree crews worked throughout the day and night to help over 22,000 customers regain power from storm related outages.  We now have 98% percent of our customers back online since the bomb cyclone hit Western Washington Tuesday afternoon and will continue to work as fast as we can to restore every customer.


Safety first. Never touch or go within 35 feet of downed power lines because they might be energized. Call PSE at 1-888-225-5773 or 911 to report problems.

Report and track power outages online

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is now available for PSE natural gas customers – renters, homeowners, or businesses – who want to further reduce their carbon footprint by replacing a portion of their conventional natural gas use with renewable natural gas.

Our renewable natural gas comes from organic waste matter right here in Washington that’s been transformed and refined into pipeline quality gas and added to the local energy supply on behalf of participating customers.

Renewable Natural Gas

Enroll in our Renewable Natural Gas program, and help accelerate the transition to a clean energy future by directly supporting the development of locally produced renewable natural gas.

Renewable Batural Gas

Why choose Renewable Natural Gas?

  • Become carbon neutral. Add blocks of RNG to reach your carbon reduction goals. You can achieve 100% carbon neutral natural gas usage – or even go beyond net zero carbon emissions – when you combine your participation in Carbon Balance.

  • Simple to sign-up. Blocks of RNG start at just $5 per month. There’s no equipment to install or maintain, and you’ll receive a credit on your bill for the portion of conventional natural gas you choose to replace with renewable natural gas.

  • Drive the demand. Participating in RNG directly supports the development of locally produced renewable natural gas and drives growth in a cleaner energy supply.
  • How Renewable Natural Gas works
  • What is renewable natural gas?
  • Where does PSE’s renewable natural gas come from?
Ask Advisor
Ask an Energy Advisor

Have questions about PSE’s RNG program and how to sign up? Energy Advisors are here to help.